How to integrate Email Hippo Assess into a decision engine - Decisimo - Decision Intelligence Services
Published on: 2024-08-10 18:48:28
Email Hippo provides a service for email address verification and profiling. The service is useful for evaluating users during sign-up to prevent garbage registrations and fraud down the road. Its services include input parameters IP address that helps prevent bot-driven registrations.
It is optional to send for evaluation also first name and last name. Since these inputs are sensitive PIIs, it is up to data protection standards whether to share customer data with another provider in such depth.
Get an account API key from Email Hippo
There are luckily no gate keepers and no-one will force you to a demo call for opening up an account. Just head to sign up page of Email Hippo and create your account.
Create a data source in Decisimo Portal
- emailAddress
- ipAddress
- firstName
- lastName
Email Hippo Assess has only one required paremeter, which is email address and then additionally other relevant. The parameters are:
- When you use the Email Hippo Assess data source template, it will include the two main parameters - email and IP.
Add Email Hippo Assess data source to your decision flow
- If you already have a decision step for data sources, you can add the call to Email Hippo Assess within the same step. The decision engine will call all the sources in the same step in parallel. Parallel calls ensure the fastest execution time.
- If you do not have a decision flow step for external data, add one. Connect your decision flow step and by double-clicking, open the definition window. Define in the step the attributes from your data object to be sent to Email Hippo Assess.
Run the decision making
- Release your decision flow, deploy to an endpoint and make decisions using data from Email Hippo Assess.