Evaluating the ROI of Transitioning to Decision Engines for Risk Management - Decisimo - Decision Intelligence Services

Published on: 2024-08-10 18:36:09


Decision engines offer lending companies the ability to streamline loan approval processes, reduce development costs, and enhance risk management. This article evaluates the ROI of transitioning from a hard-coded risk management system to a decision engine, using an imaginary Latin America-based lending company as a case study.

The Current State of Affairs

  • Internal software development cost per man-day: $800
  • Additional costs: QA, DevOps, Business Analysts
  • Process: Risk analysts write business requirements, undergo reviews, then proceed to software development

Challenges Faced

  • Capacity Constraints
    Competing priorities often result in a shortage of development resources.
  • Hidden Costs
    Costs are sometimes difficult to quantify, particularly in risk management where problems may have cascading effects.
  • Time-to-Market
    Long development cycles, testing, and UAT increase the time to deploy risk management updates.
  • Explainability
    Auditing rules require risk analysts to read the actual code, complicating the audit process.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Transitioning to Decisimo

  • Direct Cost Savings
    Reduction in development man-days means direct cost savings. Even a 25% reduction in development time translates to savings given the $800/day rate.
  • Efficiency in Risk Management
    Quickly update risk algorithms, reducing the risk of fraud and its cascading effects.
  • Reduced Time-to-Market
    Quicker approval and deployment cycles mean faster response to market needs.
  • Enhanced Explainability
    Decision engines like Decisimo offer rule management features that enhance explainability without requiring coding expertise.

ROI and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Cost Implications: Current System

Let's consider the cost involved in making two changes to risk algorithms per month:

  • Risk Analyst and Business Analyst: $1,200
  • Software Development: $4,000
  • QA Testing: $1,600
  • DevOps Deployment: $800

Total Monthly Cost: $7,600

Annual Cost: $91,200

Cost Implications: Decisimo

By transitioning to Decisimo:

  • Monthly Subscription Fee: $1,500
  • Retained Internal Costs: $600
  • Amortized Integration Cost: $133.33

Total Monthly Cost: $2,233.33

Annual Cost: $26,800

ROI Breakdown

The ROI is a critical indicator of the viability of the transition:

  • Monthly Savings: $5,366.67
  • Annual Savings: $64,400
  • ROI: 240%

Accounting for Internal Costs

Consider internal costs for integration. Two man-days estimated for IT development at $800/day totaling $1,600. Amortize this over 12 months.

Automate smarter.
Use a rule engine.


Transitioning to a decision engine like Decisimo can resolve multiple pain points for lending companies. It can lead to significant cost savings, enhanced risk management, quicker time-to-market, and better auditability. For companies facing resource constraints and complex, hard-coded rule systems, the financial and operational advantages make a compelling case for change.